Thursday, July 6


That I should catch up on The Unlimited Mood and find a meme listing life's 10 simple pleasure that I enjoy the most. Today, of all days. Today, my heart has been shattered and the pieces already hardened. It's gonna be real hard to melt them down and put my heart back together again. Life's simple pleasures ... the angry cynic in me wants to say NOTHING in life is simple, and ain't NOTHING about life pleasurable right now. But no ... that would be wrong, morally, and wrong, WRONG. So here's my list of 10 of life's simple pleasures that I enjoy the most:

1. Boboma.
2. Boboma.
3. Boboma
4. Boboma.
5. Boboma.
6. Boboma.
7. Boboma.
8. Boboma.
9. Boboma.
10. Boboma.

Oh, what? That's a ridiculous list? I suppose it is to you, to any objective eye. To me, it's the truth. Sad but true. But here's a less ridiculous list, then ...

1. Driving along unfamiliar streets in surrounding neighborhoods, browsing, exploring, slowing down to ogle a beautiful house, winding around and around and almost getting lost, but recognizing the tree I just passed for the fourth time and then eventually following the power lines back to the highway leading towards home.

2. A really delicious cup of coffee. Whole Foods Kona blend. The coffee served up at MoMA. McDonald's coffee when I'm hitting the road early in the morning. A cuppa or two brewed at home ... especially shared over chats with Boboma.

3. Bold and beautiful splashes of colour. The persimmon hue of my curtains. The stripe of hot pink under my brown sweater. A bird of paradise blooming in the brush. The unique dresser throwing on some dark purple in a sea of blacks. That one handbag, dress, skirt, pair of shoes, that makes me feel like hot sh*t.

4. My J.Crew jeans. Ahhhhhhhhhh, soft.

5. Watering my plants. I only have five, and one is already dead I think, but I water it anyway because it hasn't ACTUALLY fallen over in death. It's just sort of ... perma-brown. But I love watering them, feeling that I am giving them life, watching them perk up. It makes me feel that I am good at taking care of something, caring for something other than myself.

6. Flossing. It just feels good.

7. Korean food. I'm always in the mood for it. ALWAYS. One day the rice, the next day the noodle, the next day the jigae, the next day the barbecue, the next day the spice, the next day the soup, etc. etc. etc. Most of it is simple. All of it is pleasure.

8. The AJAs. Words can't describe the pleasure of being in these women's company. They don't laugh at me when I cry; only when I spew food out of my mouth. They don't judge me when I confess; only when I do my hair wrong. They don't ignore, withhold, discourage, misinform, lead astray, humiliate, press down. They only encourage, listen, give generously, welcome, lift up, smile, speak honestly. Nothing about them is simple, but it's all pleasure, all the time.

9. Being with God. The simplest of all things in this life, and yet such simplicity can restore my soul, heal my deepest wounds, speak wisdom into a stubborn and prideful mind, and move a cynical and pessimistic heart. And such simplicity has saved me. What greater pleasure then?

10. Boboma.

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