Friday, June 20


. . . my parents, always with work to do, always running on high, warding off overwhelming stress with a simply sweet day on the links . . .

. . . my favorite super-couple, Soy&Jaime, tired and exhausted, working late hours, running around always doing things for their friends before themselves, patiently forbearing a parent's desire for grandchildren . . .

. . . my other brother JW, sick -- but not with cholera (see, again funny) -- and sleepy, taking his hardest mini-board and gearing up for that precious one week off to just rest and restore himself . . .

. . . my bolt of lightning and pure glee, JKo, fighting off exhaustion and an ill-timed cold, preparing for a new life ahead, not quite knowing what to do with her old life behind . . .

. . . my partner in crime Hooch, pukey without knowing why she's pukey, but hating it every step of the way, fighting off the achies, yet still so much her lightning-quick punny self that I can barely keep up through the giggles . . .

. . . my favorite blast from the past, road-raging JC, with so much running just beneath the surface, just needing a listening ear and a friendly outlet, and a straight and narrow path to travel . . .

. . . my newbie JL, so goofy with the confused questions, but so prepared and bravely willing to travel, preach, teach and heal . . .

. . . my one and only Cheech, always looking inwards before looking outwards, always seeking to better himself and to grow, always trying to be more of everything that is right and good . . .

. . . my beloved M&C&Noodles, hanging in there through the tedium, the drama, the bad hospital food, the emotional super-coaster, all in preparation and care for the two loves that will make them complete . . .

. . . my more-than-just-a-neighbor Mr. J., fighting the breathing tube because he can TALK, SEE, UNDERSTAND, MOVE, struggling through the excruciating headache just to show us he can . . .

. . . my dear little Y, having found his way through a tougher youth than he deserved, still struggling to do right by his family and to grow up himself . . .

. . . my rock star Wonger, persevering, changing, growing, mourning, coming to know joy . . .

. . . my West-Coast sister, striving to be the best mom, the best wife, the best friend, the best daughter, and succeeding, by faith alone, on all of those counts . . .

They are my treasures. I carry their weight on my heart willingly and happily.

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