Saturday, May 31

Why and how do women manage to pee on the toilet seat? I could understand if you were a man, and you had less than perfect aim or the beginning stages of Parkinson's (I suppose that's not really funny). But you're a woman. SIT on the seat. Sit on a TOILET SEAT COVER on the seat. If you must pee on the seat, wipe up after yourself before you leave the stall. And if you must do The Hover and not sit on the seat (because other people's butt skin is so much grosser than your own), then at least perfect your aim at home before subjecting the rest of the world to your lack of skills. WIPE IT UP, ladies.

There was a time when I would kill no bugs -- not for any irrational reasons, like "Oh, bugs deserve to live too, blah blah blah" -- but because I was just scared of them, did not want to feel the crunch of their hard little shells when I smooshed them, and did not want any corrosive bug juice to get on me, or any of my belongings, or any part of the house with which I might possibly make contact. I'm happy to report that I have progressed rapidly since those days. Today, I tried to kill a teeny little bug and it JUMPED, almost hitting my nose. I got so mad (scared?), I actually cursed at the poor little thing and grumbled "Who the HELL do you think you ARE?" before stomping over to the tissue box, yanking out a Kleenex, stomping back to the bug and violently smashing it. I'm ever so proud of how evolved I am . . .

I don't mind silence. Obviously, I don't mind it when I'm alone, but I also don't mind it when I'm with other people -- friends or strangers. Sure, I might get a little fidgety if I know you're mad at me and you are silently fuming, but otherwise, I usually relish silence. Sometimes I just don't have anything to say. Sometimes I'm so comfortable with you that I can be quiet and know you're still there with me. Sometimes I'm lost in a daydream, enjoying the fabricated scenarios taking place in my head. Sometimes, I enjoy listening to you talk and don't feel the need to respond. Sometimes I just like the companionship of sharing time and space, and staring out the window, or gazing at the sky, or listening to music, or humming a tune to myself. Sometimes, I'm eavesdropping on the people next to us. Sometimes I really need to think about something. Sometimes I think about what you might be thinking about. Sometimes I don't think at all and just sit there like an idiot. Sometimes I'm just entertained by the conversation you all are having, and it's enough to satisfy me. I don't really resent it when you try to fill the emptiness, but try to understand that I don't feel empty. The silence envelops me and makes me cozy, especially if you are keeping me company . . .

Saw: Finding Nemo = two thumbs up, and I'll throw in all ten toes for good measure. Lots o' laughs, a bucket full o' tears. We were shrieking. Ellen Degeneres, Albert Brooks, Allison Janney, Willem Defoe, Brad Garrett, Erik Per Sullivan, Geoffrey Rush, Eric Bana, etc. + Pixar = BRILLIANT.

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