Wednesday, June 11


My beloved Wonger has got me hooked -- and I do mean, HOOKED -- on this new phenomenon called Friendster. Its purported purpose is to make people network and make friends with their friends' friends -- people who are allegedly more trustworthy and reliable than strangers. I don't know that it's fair to call it a dating service -- Lord knows the thought of Internet dating creeps me out completely, even though Wonger says it shouldn't. As for me, I just enjoy the bizarre voyeuristic nature of Friendster. I get to read profiles of all my friends' friends -- people I know, and people I don't. I get to be enlightened by realizing what their interests are. I get to wonder why some men feel the need to present themselves as drug-popping, alcoholic, foul-mouthed hip-hopsters. I get to sigh at people who make up completely fake profiles, as if to impress others with their dull wit and lame humor. And of course, I get to browse and browse and browse and waste time...

Come on board:

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