Saturday, September 13


It's finally happened to me. After years of hearing about it and wishing for it, I finally have it: female role models.

I am surrounded by them, and true to expectation, they totally fulfill me. Everyday, they enrich my life; they teach me something I didn't know before; they humble me and encourage me to be a better person, daughter, sister, lawyer, Christian; they unwittingly make me realize how lucky I am to be living when I'm living, where I'm living, doing what I'm doing. For me, these are great times, not because everything's happy and easy, but because finally, everywhere around me, there are women who inspire me to wake up and keep going when situations in my life are not ideal, and who smile upon me when situations in my life are rolling along like butter.

My first real career mentor, CKD . . . the first woman attorney to lead me, to push me, to scold me, to make me focus my goals, and to ask me all the time if I've achieved them yet; and the most meticulous, focused, competent, honest and devoted prosecutor I have yet to see in action. I pretty much just want to be her.

My co-clerk, Hooch . . . easily the most well-rounded woman I know, and so open with her brain, her heart and her mouth which always spews the most hilarious comments, and makes me wonder, "can the law possibly be this fun?!"

My LOL . . . five ambitious, smart and smart-ass, driven and compassionate women spread across three states and five email addresses who regale me with the best stories, offer the coziest online encouragements, and sling me the wiliest corner-of-the-eye looks when we finally get together.

My sister Ha . . . 3000 miles makes the heart grow fonder and makes me more appreciate her as a friend, sister, mother, culinary artiste and still the gassiest woman I know. Gassier even than yours truly, if you can imagine it. But who cares? She doesn't!

My church ladies . . . Soy, who shows me by example how to be devoted to family and friends; JKA, who teaches me daily how to be filled with joy and thanksgiving; Mrs.G, who inspires me with her guts, common sense, wry humor and brainpower; M, who humbles me with her patience, wisdom, selflessness and ability to spank C in mountain biking; Banana, who ties me in knots with her wit and makes me want to get in touch with my artsy-fartsy creative Martha Stewart-even-though-she-is-Satan side; Nance, who has been with me since childhood and whose renewed friendship makes me glad to be where I am and who I am.

My mom . . . who is a better mother and friend than she? Nobody.

If y'all don't have women like these in your lives, hurry up and go get 'em! It's quite nice, believe me.

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