Wednesday, October 1


Our chambers bathroom is an endless source of frustration and amusement. Amusement because it is the warmest place in chambers, and I have to admit that sometimes I go in there to wash my hands simply to raise my core body temperature and ward off hypothermia. Frustration because it is so very rarely cleaned or attended to by our otherwise fine custodial staff.

When the bathroom is attended to, they clean out the garbage cans, replenish the soap and paper towel supplies, and restock the double toilet paper rolls. And herein lies one of the greatest curiosities known to Hooch and I (okay, maybe only I sit around wondering about this): when the toilet paper is replaced, it is often replaced with a half-roll. Yes, as in not the full, not-yet-torn-open roll. So, there we are, with two half-rolls of toilet paper hanging on their little spindles.

Where are the full rolls? What happened to the other half of the half-rolls? Do the custodians unroll half the toilet paper for whatever purpose, then hang the remaining half on the spindles? Are they recycling leftover toilet paper from other bathrooms in the courthouse? Or are we all just spending our days with half-rolls of toilet paper?

Such a mystery . . .

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