Monday, November 17


Running on the treadmill at my house without my contact lenses in is a weird experience. I can hear the news on the television, but I can't truly see it. The worst part of this is that I can hear the CBS2 weatherman be annoying, but I can't see him be annoying -- it drives me crazy. But tonight, since I couldn't focus my complete attention on the boob tube (or the boob ON the tube), I let my mind wander, and I thought about ...

... Arnold Schwarzenegger is now officially the governor of California. What a hoot! ...

... if I relish sharing inside jokes with a good friend, does that make me exclusive and snotty and possessive, or just a good friend to a good friend with whom I have inside jokes too numerous to count? What a dilemma ...

... John Muhammad was found guilty of capital murder, among other things, for one of the Washington, D.C. sniper shootings. What a weirdo ...

... I've only been good friends with C for about six months, and C and M's Noodles are now over a month old. What a short long time it has been ...

... after over a year of searching and praying and agonizing and longing, NHF might finally get a pastor, yet people are lukewarm about it. What a time to be lukewarm ...

... Jose Padilla has been held for over a year on no charges and without being allowed to see a lawyer. What a constitutional farce ...

... condo-buying is now back on track, I think, and there are some really nice properties out there for my picking. What a strange position in which I find myself, as potential home-owner ...

... does thinking about a friend a lot and wanting to often spend time with this friend make one "obsessive," or just someone who enjoys the good company of a person who provides relaxation, laughter and disjointed but scintillating conversation? What a stupid question ...

... more American soldiers died today in Iraq. What a preventable tragedy (uh, BRING THEM HOME, Shrubby!) ...

... I have to go mountain-biking this Saturday, unless it rains really hard, so of course, I am hoping it rains really hard, so I can crash Camp Capio and watch movies and stare at sleeping babies who make funny noises instead. What a wuss I am ...

... a major assignment -- the bane of my existence, the absence of which will make NOT my heart grow fonder towards it -- is due on Wednesday -- would it be super-lame to turn it in at 4pm instead of having it on my boss's desk at 9am? What a typical government employee I am ...

... if everyone thinks that I would be right for Man A, and that Man A would be right for me, is that fate, or just people being wishful and me feeling like I'm living in a fishbowl? What a potentially VERY funny scenario in the making ...

... can I eat pasta every day for lunch if I run in the evenings? Because I sure do love pasta, and I really could eat it every day for lunch. What heaven that would be ...

... can I eat steak with extra butter once a week for life at my local Ruths' Chris if I run in the evenings? Because I sure do love Ruths' Chris steak, and I really could eat it once a week for life. What poverty I would fall into ...

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