Friday, January 16


A. If you want insight into me, the kinds of things I'm interested in, the things I spend some of my time doing, the people and issues that are special to me, you can check out the links to the left of your screen. I assume that you do browse on your own, so I won't pander to you and tell you to go read things. But I just have to suggest that you go check out today's Camp Capio. Do not be afraid. This really is the kind of person I get along best with. (And note: I will do everything humanly possible to NOT eat the cheese.)

B. Poor Michael Jackson. Do I think he molested that adolescent boy? Yes. I know, I know, innocent until proven guilty, but I was asked today, "if you had to make an assumption right now about his guilt, what would it be?" and I told the truth. And if he did molest that boy, or anyone else, he should go to jail for his crime(s). But that doesn't negate the fact that I think he's very sad. I don't think one can rely on one's past to justify or explain one's behavior, but I think he had a very very bizarre life. I think it has turned him into the freak show that he is now. I think he had so much potential, so much charisma, so much talent, and so much public appeal ... and it all just went awry for some reason. I think he could've been a living legend, an inspiration, a trend-setter, a musical dynasty in and of himself. And that that is all gone away from him, and that he is now in this situation, that he felt he had to build this weird world for himself so that he could feel human ... I find it very sad.

C. And for once, I have your Friday Five on an actual Friday. Enjoy:

1. What does it say in the signature line of your emails? At work, I have my full name, job title and the name of my boss ... only because I couldn't think of anything wittier that would also be appropriate within the federal judicial system. (They are so humorless sometimes, you know.) For my personal email address(es), I have no signature because everyone I email gets their own special sign-off from me!

2. Did you have a senior quote in your high school yearbook? What was it? If you haven't graduated yet, what would you like your quote to be? I had a few ... one of my favorite Bible verses: Proverbs 2:10 (For wisdom will enter your heart and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul) ... random quote stemming from my irrationally feminist days (All men are created equal; all women are created superior) ... and an inside joke (Don't go anywhere without the Deep Woods OFF!). I was such a dork.

3. If you had vanity plates on your car, what would they read? If you already have them, what do they say? I don't believe in vanity plates and find them to be a colossal waste of space, metal, paint, money and brain cells.

4. Have you received any gifts with messages engraved upon them? What did the inscription say? My brother and I received a joint gift of a sterling silver picture frame engraved with the date of our Christmas 1995 trip to L.A. to hang with our cousins -- our first and only Christmas away from our parents thus far. Not that exciting, but pretty meaningful ...

5. What would you like your epitaph to be? OK, don't freak out, but I actually have thought about this extensively in the past, and I have reached no definitive decision. I'm torn ... "Her father's daughter." ... "She did good." ... "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9" ...

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