Thursday, March 4

I'M HERE . . .

Uh-oh, I might get scolded again, for not blogging, and if you're not interested in this subject matter, you might scold me some more, but here goes ...

Check out this interesting article about the late Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun.


NEXT UP . . .

I finished "The Teammates" by David Halberstam and "Living History" by Hillary Rodham Clinton. I am now moving onto "Schoolgirls: Young Women, Self-Esteem, and the Confidence Gap" by Peggy Orenstein. Ironically, I borrowed this book from Jaime, who has never read it and acquired the book for some reason from his sister.

I've read a few books about young girls, junior high school, peer pressure, social pressure, confidence, etc. I don't think I suffered overly from any of these issues when I was a young girl, but I find the subject fascinating anyway. It's kind of like how I enjoy reading some medical journals: I can only understand about a third of what is written (and I skip all the incomprehensible footnotes), but some of the crazy research going on out there fascinates me. If someone could pay me to read random things professionally ... I'd be awfully wealthy.

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