Friday, April 9


1. What do you do for a living? I work for Uncle Sam, trying to live up to my boss's standards, trying not to go overboard with adjective-laden witticisms in my legal writing, trying to corral and keep wayward attorneys in check, trying to be ethical without being a doormat, trying to learn enough and more so that I don't end up like the bozos Hooch and I make fun of behind their pin-striped backs.

2. What do you like most about your job? My boss, Hooch, the hours, the variety of law I get to play with, my commute, and the fact that we have security guards that know everything about our cars and our comings and goings. It's creepy but cool.

3. What do you like least about your job? Err... am I really allowed to say? Well, aside from the fits of unnecessary hysteria I have to witness, the thing I truly like least is experiencing the occasional moment where I come across something I really don't know. I hate not knowing. I hate doing hours and hours of research and reading and re-reading and still not knowing. Then I hate when I travel down miles' worth of tangents only to realize I need never have traversed those roads at all.

4. When you have a bad day at work it's usually because _____... Again, aside from bearing witness to the occasional hissy fit, I usually get pissy when I'm made to stress about a silly case with silly attorneys and silly issues and silly motion papers. (Not that I'm thinking of anyone in particular, of course.) And on top of that, my sinuses are swollen, my throat hurts, I didn't get enough sleep, and I twisted my right knee again. THAT is a bad day.

5. What other career(s) are you interested in? FBI agent specializing in Missing Persons or Asian gangs; public education reformer; full-time essayist for a newspaper or magazine which allows me to write whatever the heck I want; chef; event planner; Asian-American grass-roots-social-and-political-activist.

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