Tuesday, April 13


"American Idol 3" is NOT, I repeat, NOT going to be televised tonight because Shrub is (allegedly) 'answering America's questions' about the war in Iraq. (First question that comes to mind: "why are you still in office?" followed immediately by "how did you convince the United States Supreme Court to let you be President of the United States?" No, I'm not bitter.)

THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! Does it make me a bad citizen because I'd rather watch "AI-3" than a dorky-looking talking head? Does it make me a vacuous idiot because I'm annoyed about the fact that Shrub's stupid press conference throws off my entire week's television-viewing schedule? Seriously -- think about it: they are taping the performances tonight; airing the hour-long show tomorrow night; then televising the kick-off (of Redheaded John, I desperately hope) on Thursday night; which conflicts with the 2-hour finale of "The Apprentice."

Sigh. What to do?!

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