Wednesday, May 26


Tonight was clothes-packing night. And pack it, I did.

Thank goodness wool and cotton and linen articles of clothing smoosh into less than half of their original size. This phenomenon allows me to believe I don't have that much clothes ... but I have a lot. I might have as much clothing as I might have books. No, I still have more books, but they don't smoosh as well.

My only consolation: Big Brother/Big Sister of Westchester is going to get A LOT of clothes in their bins this weekend.

Jarring thought of the night: if I don't have enough shelf and drawer space, I will be dressing myself out of boxes. I'm annoyed already.

All that's left: all the little things that are too annoying to sift through and pack, and then unpack. Would that I could simply beam them over, Scotty.

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