Tuesday, June 15


Three things I learned this morning during my newspaper-reading ritual:

1. Liberals have morals TOO. DOI. Read this book, which basically says (I think): liberals have morals too, and instead of letting the conservatives (whoever they are -- these labels confuse me) stake morality as their stomping ground, liberals should take up the cause and the responsibility of living a moral life in a moral society. Amen.

2. We CAN all play nice. DOI. Read this article about the unveiling of Bill & Hillary's portraits at the White House yesterday. The lesson to be learned: everyone just tell a joke, have a good chuckle and get over yourselves.

3. There IS something good to watch on TV during the summer. DOI. Lisa Ling, venturing further into her attempt to be a serious journalist, presents "China's Lost Girls", about the declining female population and increasing 'emperor's syndrome'-afflicted male population in China. Check it out.


Reading during the day: "Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim," by David Sedaris
Reading during the night: "Truman," by David McCullough
Paying: My first mortgage bill. Ow. Like a sucker-punch to the gut.

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