Saturday, June 5


I puked yesterday.

I hate puking. I can't figure out if it was a stomach virus that got me -- possibly transmitted by any number of babies and adults who have had the bug lately -- or if it was just a bad combination of indigestion and bad Chinese food. But I puked, and it was horrible. It was made worse by the fact that I had spent the seven hours prior to puking sitting on the toilet letting everything in my body simply run out of me. One would have thought there was nothing left to let out the top end ... but there was, and it was painful, given the fact that my stomach was already sticking to my spine by that point.

I don't know how bulimics do it. Puking is just nasty.

But of course, I slept the whole day and rested so that I could go to the Yankee game at night and get my YANKEES ICE CUBE TRAY!!! And yes, the ice is frozen into the interlocking N and Y shapes. I love it. I was practically comatose the entire game, and I needed a foam finger to keep my hands warm. But the ice cube tray makes it all worth while. I am a nerd.

Luckily, I found myself with a free Saturday morning, which I studiously spent sleeping. I believe I slept straight through to 11:17am. It was glorious. Upon waking, however, my list o' things to do came rushing at me inside my head: pack, shop, unload boxes at the condo, run errands for Omma, greet parents' guests at home, rush off to a late-night Praise Team practice. I decided to at least try to get some food into my body, so I shuffled down the hall to the kitchen and made some weak tea and dry toast. Bleh. Nasty.

Every box I pack requires me to sit for 5 minutes to regain my energy and make the world stop spinning. Now I sit here at Bob, looking at the open suitcase out of the corner of my eye, ready to receive the last unpacked articles of clothing. I don't know when that suitcase is going to be filled. I don't know how I'm going to drive to BedBath&Beyond and back. I don't know how I'm going to get all this stuff up two flights of stairs into my apartment. I don't know how I'm even going to stay standing in the shower later.

It's amazing what one puke can do to a person. I hate puking.

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