Tuesday, June 1


... I got my first mortgage payment bill today. Can you say "huge pit in the bottom of my stomach"?!

... Omma assuring me that a home mortgage is good debt and it's better than paying rent is not much of a consolation right now.

... With more furniture set up in the dining room and office, and a lamp set upon a beautiful nightstand and my fluffy new comforter spread on the mattress in the bedroom, my home is looking more like a home.

... Each time I gaze upon the walls of my bedroom and office, the more and more I fall in love with the rooms, and the friends who helped me paint them.

... I have spatial relations and deductive reasoning and pre-planning issues. That is, I can't do any of those things. One look at the shelf liners I cut for the kitchen cabinet shelves tells the whole story. Super-sigh.

... I am so glad it's cold and rainy out and I have nowhere to go, because that means I can snuggle with a blanket and a cup of tea and watch the Miss Universe Pageant tonight. There, I'm not afraid to admit it.

... I purchased one of my two ideal duvet covers from Pottery Barn today, and somehow, that purchase made everything alright.

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