Friday, November 26

Originally uploaded by chaesq.
Exhibit B: then note the completely under-baked innards of the cake. Sigh. Note also that under-baking a dense cake such as this results in a strange, doughy, chewy, brick-like consistency that just makes you GAG. Finally, note that when following a recipe, do not be afraid to question authority. When some gut instinct tells you "add more cinnamon and nutmeg because it's just fun and will probably add more flava to the cake," FOLLOW IT. Bland, doughy, chewy bricks just don't taste good.

Rest in peace, pumpkin-nutmeg cake. See you never.

Nevertheless, yesterday, I was thankful for my family and for the abundant and delicious non-cake food on the table, for warm blankets and a pecan pie that turned out halfway decently.

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