Sunday, December 5


I know I always lambast others for being childish, but I'm going to join the crowd for a moment and express some childish pet peeves myself ... things I just can't abide and can't tolerate like an adult should be able to ...

... selfish, stingy folks ...

... folks who are so used to having certain things done for them that it never occurs to them to step up, say the first word, and initiate something or take on a responsibility themselves first to cover those who always do in every other situation ... until it becomes evident that an event might turn out to be fun and successful, in which case their voice is the loudest championing the cause ...

... self-absorbed folks for whom it is always about them, them, tedious them ...

... senseless chatter that is so gratingly loud that one cannot hear one's own thoughts ...

... a perfectly rational, well-laid, foil-proof plan that is -- sigh -- foiled ...

... folks who chew with their mouths open ...

... folks who have no consideration for other people's property -- other people's expensive property ...

... folks who think they are entitled to certain treatment, a certain position, certain respect ... but don't earn or deserve any of those things ...

... folks who drive like imbeciles and STOP for NO RATIONAL REASON in the MIDDLE of a MAIN THOROUGHFARE to STARE at some NONDESCRIPT BUILDINGS ...

... and of course, immature folks.

I need to go to bed before I grumble anymore. Thank goodness for a mellow-yellow Praise Team practice and a quiet evening with a tiny crowd, watching a (gasp!) bootleg copy of "The Incredibles" ... for the second time ... which doesn't compare to Jaime's 5th time ... my sanity is still somewhat intact.

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