Wednesday, March 2


This morning, I was driving down a major three-lane thoroughfare on the way to work. The light was green, so I proceeded forward, when a male pedestrian -- let's call him "Jackass" -- stepped off the sidewalk into the street to cross it. There was a crosswalk about 50 feet to either side of him, but NO. He chose to cross the major thoroughfare in the middle, despite the fact that he had turned his head to look at the traffic light and had seen it turn green for us vehicular commuters.

Jackass strolled across the thoroughfare and when my car got close to him, he was in my lane. So I had to roll my car to a stop (else, HIT HIM), and I waved my arms at him to suggest that he move it along more quickly. He STOPPED WALKING, STOMPED UP TO MY CAR, KICKED IT WITH HIS LEFT FOOT, THEN SWUNG HIS BIG BLACK BRIEFCASE AT MY CAR, HITTING IT WITH A LOUD AND VIGOROUS "THUNK." Then, Jackass skirted the other cars in the lanes next to me and crossed to the other side.

By this time, my light had turned red, so I turned my head to stare angrily at him out my window in utter disbelief and shock. I dared not open the window for fear of what manner of unprintable obscenities might stream out. Jackass had the BALLS to stare right back at me and shout at me as he continued to walk towards his destination.

My only consolation about this incident: Jackass walked backwards right into a tree branch laden with snow. I, of course, covered my mouth and snickered at him. I hope he saw me.

I also hope something awful happens to him today, and that it makes him think, "Huh. I probably should not have kicked that lady's car, then swung my briefcase into it, leaving a big swipe mark."

I swear I'm going to hunt him down if I can't get rid of the big black swipe mark on Good Girl. I swear it.


LAW GEEK . . .

SCOTUS yesterday proclaimed that juveniles under the age of 18 can never be subject to the death penalty in this country.

Regardless of what my as-yet-not-firmly-formed views on the death penalty are ... I think this is a wild and crazy decision. Y'all should read it, and tell me what you think about the majority's sorta-weak-but-sorta-correct decision.

And THEN, read Justice Scalia's dissent, and tell me this is NOT the BEST thing EVER written in a Supreme Court decision: "Consulting States that bar the death penalty concerning the necessity of making an exception to the penalty for offenders under 18 is rather like including old-order Amishmen in a consumer-preference poll on the electric car."

I don't always agree with the man, but I'll definitely read anything he writes, and I shall always aspire to write as he does ...

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