Sunday, January 29


It has finally happened. After months of putting it off -- I just didn't have the time -- I think I finally got sick.

Of course, I have to be better by tomorrow morning so that I don't infect C.o.S. and KTM and Ems, and I'm sure I will be.

But I'm so mad that my body succumbed. Sooooo non-compliant.


I don't know why, but I am still surprised when major news organizations like The New York Times includes features like this, a Magazine cover article about a missionary family in Kenya. I guess I think that the world doesn't care about Christians or God or God's work on this earth. I guess I think that the 'damn liberal media' (I'm being facetious -- I adore the Times) would never take the time or energy (or near-objectivity) to report on Christians or God or God's work on this earth. I guess I think that society would never care to read about Christians or God or God's work on this earth.

But I like being surprised in this way. The article is mostly well-written, and the missionary family is only very slightly depicted as a set of freaks. I am grateful for those small bonuses. And even more grateful that this article reminded me that God is bigger than me, The New York Times, society and the world.


She said it.

Mabel said that she would go to Vancouver with me this summer to take classes at Regent College.

So you know what? Screw it. Whether I'm employed or not, I'm doing it -- I'm going to grab Mabel whether she's pregnant or not, and we're going to put our money where our mouths are, and we're going to Vancouver.

Right, Mabel?


If I were a researcher, the first thing I would research is the Pee-Poo-Pee phenomenon. The Girls and I had a lengthy (yes, I said lengthy) discussion about this at two in the morning (of course it was at two in the morning -- one doesn't have conversations like this in the daytime) at the Women's Retreat.

The basic premise is that when one has to go to the bathroom to poo, one usually pees first. Then one poos. THEN -- and this is really the most interesting part -- one pees again. Thus, the Pee-Poo-Pee.

Why is this? Is it a self-cleansing mechanism? Is it that the initial pee was aborted in order to make room for the poo? (I don't think this last theory stands, because I have discovered that it IS anatomically possible for both men and women to pee and poo at the same time, although I personally choose not to because the sensation is ... not that enjoyable, although I appreciate the efficiency of it.) Is it an internal pressure thing?

Well, anyway. If I were a researcher, that would be the first thing I would research. And I'm sure, then, I would promptly lose all my government funding.

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