Meet the newest member of the family:

Pipsqueak Baby Mumble Shuffle Cha.
We call him Pip.
He's cute.
Apple is brilliant.
So I was sitting at Starbucks over the weekend and had a Mabel moment: a 5-year-old boy was playing with his younger brother and some Starbucks stickers. At one point, the little brother became a bit too rowdy with the stickers, so the 5-year-old declared, "He's crazy as an ox!"
The mother's head flipped up: "WHAT?"
"Crazy as an ox. He's crazy as an ox!"
It was all I could do to keep my soy chai latte from leaping out of my mouth onto the table in front of me.
Post-script: When the mother tried to pack up her kids to leave, the 5-year-old declared in protest, "I've only been here a muffin and a half!"
Brilliance is everywhere.
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