Monday, May 5


Pro: you get to stay home from work.
Con: you really are sick, so you can't really do anything other than lay around and be sick.

Pro: you get to watch TV all day, catching up on Baby Story, Wedding Story, Dating Story and Trading Spaces on TLC.
Con: Baby Story gets pretty graphic, Wedding Story is always too cheesy, Dating Story couples never go on a second date, and Doug from Trading Spaces is pure, unadulterated evil in fashionable clothing.

Pro: you get to munch on all the home-cooked comfort food available.
Con: you have to prepare it yourself since no one else is home with you, and when you haven't gone grocery shopping in a while, your choices for "comfort" are severely limited. Also, you're out of orange juice.

Pro: you get the benefit of having a pharmacist father who pretty much knows everything about everything.
Con: every muscle ache and sniffle makes you wonder if he knows enough about SARS.

Pro: you get to snuggle in bed with your fluffy blankets and a good book for as long as you want.
Con: the book is so sad it makes you cry and then your sinuses are all stuffed up and you get tangled in the blankets, and then you fall out of bed. Trust me, it happens.

Pro: medicine makes you feel marginally better.
Con: it also gives you severe sick-person breath (thanks to my brother for that tidbit).

Pro: mom and dad come to tuck you into bed and make sure you're comfortable.
Con: the next morning, mom and dad ask if you can run some errands for them, given that you'll be home all day. Uh, that would be a no.

Well, my friends, sitting in this chair for even this long is making my back ache and my stomach turn. Time to go hunt for something nourishing to eat, then crawl pathetically back into bed. Stay healthy, all of yous, and don't bother me.

A Step From Heaven, by An Na

X-Men 2: X-Men United

Listening to:
Rock Steady, No Doubt

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