Tuesday, May 6


No, I'm talking about inside my head.
Things that are screwing with my brain and its mysterious workings:

- missing work on a Monday, and upon my return to the office, thinking that Tuesday is Monday, Wednesday is Tuesday, Thursday is Wednesday, etc. This could set my internal calendar back a few months at least.

- the side effects of Nighttime Comtrex: I think I'm immune to the "nighttime" part of it now. I was up all night, sweating through my blankets, vaguely hallucinating about something, creeping to the bathroom because I really had to go, then peeing hardly a drop. Too much information, I know, but since I'm sharing, note also the cotton-mouth and woolly-head in the morning. Ick.

- incessant chattering inside the office (not from my beloved Hooch, natch), distracting me from all productive forms of work and reading. Due to the side effects of Nighttime Comtrex and woolly-headedness, my usual powers of Drowning Out Shrill Extraneous Noise have been diminished. I hope to have it back in full strength tomorrow.

- a disturbing dream in which: I was a nanny's assistant whose sole job was to feed my two charges cough medicine EVERY NIGHT from a dropper; I was put on trial with a group of co-conspirators for a crime I did not commit; I watched as the trial judge's law clerk gave statements to the media about how disgusted she was with us defendants; I was acquitted but was being chased by police officers anyway; I was wearing a school backpack and had to swim across a small pool to get to school; I was annoyed because I had swum to school without wearing shoes, so now I had to swim all the way back, run home, get my shoes (brown penny-loafers, apparently), put them on, jump back in the pool, and swim back to school. And I was late for first period, and my hair was messed up.

Hopefully, the fog will lift in time for some less woolly moments this week:
- Wednesday night's "West Wing": Zoey gets kidnapped!!! Dum, dum, DUM.
- Thursday night with my surrogate family.
- Friday's rehearsal for Dr. SMK.
- Saturday's Wedding of the Month. Fog better be gone by then because there's no telling what Comtrex and some liquid nourishment will do to me . . .

Gideon's Trumpet, Anthony Lewis

Listening to:
American Life, Madonna

Third to last episode of Buffy, the Vampire Slayer

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