Check out the letter my poor Squirt wrote me -- I'm assuming under massive amounts of duress -- and photos of my poor Squirt, allegedly having fun with C, his turtle-napper, and C's dog, Popcorn. Names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent . . .
I like hanging out w/ C. Initially, I was scared
and thought he was going to take me apart, or put me
in his blender or oven, espeically when he was humming
the Darth Vadar theme from Star Wars. But we had such
a blast today. We played w/ Popcorn, checked out his
ipod, played DDR and pinball, ate blueberry sorbet,
and of course, watched the Empire Strikes Back.
Tomorrow, we're probably going to golf at Garrison if
the weather is nice. They have a spa there but I
don't remember your AMEX number. Please send it now!
But, I wish he would get a job soon. He's obviously
got way too much time on his hands. And, the Net's
game sucked. I really don't know how M is going to
raise 3 kids.
Anyhow, don't worry about me and see you soon.

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