Tuesday, July 1


Often, Hooch is my wiser half. When I have freak-outs about stupid things like not having enough lunch money, Hooch is the one that calmly (and somewhat sarcastically) reassures me: "You can borrow money from me, you know." Oh yeah.

Such was the case not ten minutes ago, when I was spiralling into the depths of stomach-knotting despair over my impending entry into the ranks of the convicted (traffic offenders). Hooch suggested that I call the Town Clerk to see if they would accept payment by check or credit card, and to ask what exactly I should expect tonight.

Now, I HATE talking on the phone. I don't like to talk on the phone with my friends, much less strangers, and far much less strangers who seek my conviction and my money. But more often than not, Hooch is spot-on, so I made the call anyway.

And now, of course, I'm glad I did.

There will be no shame-faced court appearance for me this evening, my friends!!! As I have already sent in my ticket with my vehement plea of "NOT GUILTY" and received my trial date (set for an atrocious three months from now), my presence in court is not necessary, and no points shall accrue on my as-yet spotless driving record until after my trial. Or so I was just informed by the lovely Court Clerk.

You heard it here first. So if I'm arrested for absconding and becoming a traffic-violation-fugitive, the proof is here, in my blog. Back me up . . .

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