Monday, August 4


I hear it's supposed to rain all week. How is it possible that I'm not totally dismayed by this news? In fact, this week, I think I will find the rain to be comforting and cozy.


How is it that it takes several happy words and/or events to cheer someone out of a slight funk, but only one word or minor occurrence to drop someone into a wretchedly horrible mood? Similarly, isn't it sad that most humans' nature dictates that we are quick to anger and slow to chill out?


Why do people meddle unproductively in other people's lives? It's one thing if you are asked to meddle, or need to do so for the protection of someone's physical or emotional safety. It's another thing if you're getting into a private issue that stands between a husband and a wife. And then on top of that, it's another thing if you have no idea what the heck you're talking about as you meddle. AND you're loud about it.


How is it that flamingly gay men always make me happy? Mrs.G and I took the Greenmarket class on Saturday morning. (1) I was blown away by the Greenmarket. I could just spend hours eating my way through it. (2) I loved cooking. (3) I loved people-watching, even in the midst of chopping, sauteeing, blending, and stirring. (4) I loved eating what we cooked. (5) I loved the flamingly gay man banter that our instructor exchanged with us. Sharp, but funny and kind. It's all in the inflection. I alternated between chewing and laughing hysterically.


Why do people like THIS exist: A lady at church gave my contact info to someone to whom she is related to by marriage. She thought we would hit it off, and could start chatting over email to see if we wanted to meet up later on. Fine, I'm open, although a little wary because Church Lady doesn't know me all that well, and I'm not so looking for a relationship that I feel the need for the indiscriminate set-up . . .

Well, lo and behold, I get an email from the lad. He spells my NAME wrong. He uses bad grammar and misspells words. And instead of striking up a general "Who are you" conversation, he wants to meet up. Soon. Ehhhh.... I'm not that invested, thus not that enthused about the immediate meet-for-drinks, so I try to slow him down in my response.

He still wants to meet up, so we throw a few days around. Nothing is set in stone. Meanwhile, I have learned some things about him and his family that turn me off even more, so now I'm even less enthused. But then I do a sort of bad, not-nice and not-clean thing: I don't get back to him about a day we vaguely decided upon, and I go to L.A., not communicating with the boy for over a week.

Yesterday at church, I receive a mini-scolding from Church Lady about "standing him up" and "leading him on." Church Lady tells me that if I want to make a clean break, I just should, and that she won't be offended. I grin and bear it.

This morning, I send the boy an email apologizing for not getting back to him in a timely manner, and in effect telling him that I'm not really all that interested in meeting him (but I do this as gracefully as I can, I promise). He shoots me back a response. Here it is verbatim: "You should be sorry - try being honest next time."

EXCUSE ME?!?!?!?! What is the sudden slur on my character? Just because you are a pathetic mama's boy who communicates with a girl who is not impressed by you and doesn't want to have a drink with you, you think you can lash out and be a complete ASSHOLE?! Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Finance Guy, are you just so used to getting everything you want and having everything done your way, and playing women however you want, that you just don't know how to behave or just bow out gracefully when you get a clue? Or can you NOT get a clue? Back off, Louis. You don't know who you're messing with.


OK, now I'm in a royally foul mood. Someone say several cheery words to make me happy again!!!!

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