Tuesday, October 28


One of the prevailing worries weighing on my heart right now is the effect the California wildfires may be having on my sister Ha and her family: Dr.Y, Abby and the Bun in the Oven (another girl! HOORAY!!!!). They live about 30 minutes outside of L.A. city center, and it sounds like these fires are just everywhere. PLUS, their home was recently broken into and their bedroom ransacked and removed of all valuables, such as a laptop computer which had all of Dr.Y's work on it and the safe that contained EVERYTHING, including all of their important documents.

So if you have any care for me at all, please, please keep them in your hearts as well. Say a prayer for them, think happy thoughts for them, light a candle or a stick of incense, meditate upon their well-being, sing a chant, whatever you do, so long as they are protected, safe from harm and fire, and able to recover from the mental assault of having their home and lives invaded.

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