Thursday, April 29


Today, Shrub and the Veep are going to chat with the 9/11 Commission. Chat, NOT testify. In the Oval Office, NOT in the hearing chamber. And they are going to chat together, NOT separately. And they are NOT going to be under oath (sorry, Scott, but the oath to take on the Presidency does NOT equal an oath to testify truthfully in a hearing, DUH). Ew, I am so so so suspicious of the two of them ...

Hooch alerted me to this hysterical portion of yesterday's White House press briefing, conducted by Scott McClellan:

"Q: Scott, following up to what Elisabeth said, somewhat. Before Dr. Rice testified publicly, President Bush said it was important for the American public to know about the events leading up to 9/11. If that is the case, why not have the President testify publicly, even with a transcript? And why not under oath?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, first of all, the President is already under oath as the President of the United States. But let me go back to when the President signed the legislation creating this commission.

Q: He's under oath 24 hours a day? (Laughter.)"


And to top off my sentiment for today's 'chat', allow me to quote Hooch's flash of brilliance:

"You know, when you put a dick and a bush together, somebody's gonna get screwed."

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