Wednesday, April 28


... it was my parents' wedding anniversary, so I made some steak, steamed some asparagus, prepared some salad, set out the Korean side dishes, and even -- drum roll, por favor -- made a lemon bundt cake. Yes, my friends, the bundt cake pan that was being punished is now out of the corner and back in business. I am happy to report that despite intense agita and trepidation, 98% of the bundt cake came out of the pan. A 1" x 1" section tore off and fell onto the floor, but in accordance with the 10-second rule (for dry foods; 5 seconds for wet), I picked it right back up and slapped it into place. My parents never knew. I wish I had a digital camera, so I could have photographed the 98% perfect bundt cake and the redeemed bundt cake pan (which, by the way, cost me a whopping $29, so I'm glad it's working now after its bratty little "I don't want to release the cake" phase). But I am faux-Mennonite as well as afraid of small shiny technical things with buttons on them that I have to hook up to a computer. So you'll just have to take my word for it. Or check out the extra three pounds I put on.

... my mother pronounced very loudly (after a beer or two) that "golf just brings the ENTIRE WORLD together!" This, after she learned that a friend of the family ran into another friend of the family on a Los Angeles golf course, totally randomly and unexpectedly.

... my mother pronounced very loudly (again) that "the Yankees just need to hit some HOME RUNS." Ha ha ha ha! One just has to laugh.

... I heard that one of Cheech's best friends, Mel, an amazing woman in her early 20s, was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. I don't know her very well; you don't know her at all. But how much further could my heart sink? How much deeper could I suck in my stomach in shock? She will probably undergo some surgery, and probably will heal, but ... pray for her. AND RUN/WALK A DAMN 5K AND/OR RAISE MONEY TO FIGHT CANCER.

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