Wednesday, January 12

LAW & WHAT THE . . .

1. Rondo was on "L&O" tonight as a wary-but-honest Queens detective. LOVE THE STAGE MAKEUP.

2. ADA Southerlyn was a lesbian? Did we know this? If not, why did they include that as her third-to-last line on the show? Buh-bye, Elizabeth Rohm.



My secret talent is bearing fruit slowly but surely.
I can't wait for it to be used!
But I best not jinx myself ...



Everytime I hear or read about an illness or disease or condition, and if it's remotely contractable by someone like myself, I manage to psyche myself into thinking I have it, or am at serious risk of contracting it.

Today, I believe I have either pelvic inflammatory disease or uterine cancer. Or the hyperthyroidism (seems to be the condition of choice among Korean women my age, unfortunately) is acting up and three blood tests have all turned out false negatives.

Oh, I might also have the flu, but probably not, since I'm not at all achy, snotty, feverish or chilled. It's just that everyone around me has it, and it's really just a matter of time, you know?


C.I. NO. WAY. . . .

"Alias" inspires me to be dramatic, surreptitious, suspicious, wary, on-the-lookout, sneaky, smart, observant, learned, multi-lingual, good at math, intuitive and physically fit enough to kick your ass.

Unfortunately for me, I'm a big wimp who hates pain, hates hitting people, can't imagine shooting a gun, takes forever to figure out the obvious, walks into walls while tip-toeing down a hallway, knocks over glasses of water onto her office computer's keyboard while reaching for the bag of potato chips, and can't control her facial expressions. Pretty much the only thing I can do is read a map truly accurately, organize the CIA office's file cabinets and affix lovely labels to the file folders, and suspect everyone around me of everything imaginable ... for no apparent reason.

This is why I watch the television. "Better her than me," I say to myself ...


DOI . . .

The search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq is officially over.

They didn't find any.

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