Tuesday, February 8


It must be the jet-lag.

What is your favorite...

1. ...Sugar cereal?
I don't eat sugar cereal. It makes me gag. The sugar milk left behind? Ick. I'm Special-K all the way. On very RARE occasions, I indulge in Honey Nut Cheerios, but only when I'm craving that thick coating of sugar-gunk on my teeth in the mornings.

2. ...Candy bar? I don't eat a lot of candy, but when my body needs a pick-me-up, I reach for the mini-Snickers bars. Eating a whole one, once again, makes me gag.

3. ...Salty snack? Oh Lord, is there a salty snack I don't love? Let me count the snacks: mini-pretzels, pretzel-sticks, Lay's potato chips (sorry, can't stand the Ruffles because they have ridges), sour cream and cheddar potato chips, sour cream and onion potato chips, popcorn, Cheetos, Wheat Thins, Fritos, blue corn chips, and even the occasional Dorito.

4. ...Movie snack? A bottle of water. I know, that is so nerdy, but I get really thirsty just sitting around for a couple of hours doing nothing.

5. ...Home made snack? Popcorn popped in a pot, with a light ... okay, not so light, dusting of salt.



Appa is so cute. He has become a major computer hog lately, and sends me the most amusing emails which manage to both crack me up so hard I fall down, and melt my heart so much I weep.

Here's the latest most adorable excerpt. If you don't smile a cheesy grin at this, you are a heartless, heartless person:

"It is a Lunar New Years day wednesday. Becasue so many peoples visit their
hometowns on holidays such as Chusuk, or Sullal, I read some foreign residents in Korea said,"Korean peoples are like salmon." You are a Korean, so see you on Wednesday, ok salmon ?"

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