Friday, April 15


C.o.S. is going to looooove this: a story on the making of Venezuelan beauty queens.

Now THAT's entertainment.



No, I'm not making up words, like I did with "ironical" (which, much to my chagrin, is listed as an entry in

I don't really know why, and Hooch and I are in lengthy discussions regarding the logistics of the event, but a wholphin -- the offspring of a love affair between a false killer whale and a bottlenose dolphin -- has mated with another bottlenose dolphin and given birth to yet another wholphin. The new wholphin is now one-quarter killer whale, and three-quarters bottlenose dolphin.

The first wholphin's parents were a fourteen-foot-long killer whale weighing 2,000 pounds, and a six-foot-long bottlenose dolphin weighing a mere 400 pounds. THAT coupling, as Hooch might say, must have been awkward, to say the least.

Ah, but who are we to question the mysterious ways of love.

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