Friday, April 8


Sleepy, not sleepy, sleepy, not sleepy, for the evocative stirring in my heart spurred by the scent of spring in the daytime and the cool warmth of the night ...

Baby, it's alright
Stop your crying

Nothing is here to stay
Everything has to begin and end
A ship in a bottle won't sail
All we can do is dream that the wind will blow us across the water
A ship in a bottle set sail

Baby, it's alright
Stop your crying, now

There was a weakling man
Who dreamed he was strong as a hurricane
A ship in a bottle set sail
He took a deep breath and blew across the world
He watched everything crumble
Woke up a weakling again

Some might tell you there's no hope in hand
Just because they feel hopeless
But you don't have to be a thing like that
You be a ship in a bottle set sail

Baby, it's alright
Stop your crying, now
It's alright
So stop your crying, now
Be a ship in a bottle set sail

- "Baby (It's Alright)," by Dave Matthews



I am always surprised and deeply touched when I feel my mind and heart are being read in the most intimate, but gentle, way. I am always moved to tears and humbled by the insight that others have into me, knowing that I can be so impenetrable and unyielding in most circumstances. It's not pride, really. I just hate taking up people's time. They've got better things to think about. And so when they think about me, undeserving me, and seem to know my heart before I know it myself, before I reveal it to anyone else (if I do at all), I am amazed. It's a gift, and they bestow it upon me though I haven't asked for it, and I certainly have done nothing to merit their consideration. God's army of angels in human form abounding around me and fighting my battles when I'm ready to lay down and sleep.

I will put on a brave front, paste a smile on my face, and allow myself to feel intermittent comfort and rest in the coming weeks and months. But I will also reserve a knowing look and a grateful smile to those who reach into the very heart of me and show me grace even though I am broken and weak and sick. My soul overflows with love and trembling affection, and I give thanks.



Conan O'Brien. Sigh.

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