Sunday, April 17


How can I be so bothered by one person? How can one person be so incredibly annoying? How can one person be such a broken record? How can I just not show grace to one person? How can one person encompass all that is shrill and bothersome? How can I simply not overlook the shrillness? How can I protect my ears? How can one person just not get a clue? How can I remove myself from the situation? How can one person make me want to tear all my hair out? How can I just not DEAL?

No, seriously. HOW?

Forgive me, because I can't forgive.



There's nothing left to do tonight.

I just have to take, like, eight Tylenol and try to lull myself to sleep, being thankful for those who remind me to be patient and remind me to show grace and on whom I can rely when I'm about to go out of my mind.

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