Monday, September 26

A LONG DAY . . .

Busy but still bored. How does that happen?

Pasttimes, thanks to Aunt Murry ...

1. A structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or group.
2. A physiological or temperamental peculiarity.
3. An unusual individual reaction to food or a drug.

List five of your own idiosyncrasies ...

In restaurants, I can't drink water with ice. I often ask the waitstaff for water without ice, but they often forget, so I must often dump my ice into some unsuspecting friend's glass. As a corollary: I don't like cold water. Room temperature, or even downright WARM, is perfection.

2. I can't sleep at night if I don't floss my teeth. It doesn't matter if I'm bedding down early, or if I have stayed up all night and it's now 9 in the morning. If I'm heading to bed, my teeth will have been flossed. Otherwise, I absolutely will not be able to fall asleep or stay asleep.

3. I wear underwear under running shorts. I have been told over and over again that this is just WRONG. But I can't help it! If I'm running and sweating ... I just need the extra coverage. Sorry, that's gross, but it's true.

4. When I go to the doctor's office, the gynie's office, the dentist's office, I always keep my eyes open, even when receiving a pelvic, a booster shot, a scaling. Dude, if you're going to stick something in me -- anywhere in me -- I'm keeping my eyes on it!

5. Sometimes, the thing I look forward to most about entertaining guests at home is the moment they all leave. Because it's then that I can turn on some music, dance around to let off hostess steam, take my time cleaning and sweeping up, then mellow out under the hot running water while I slowly make my way through a mountain-high stack of dishes, pans, glasses, utensils, still while singing and perhaps doing a toned-down dance or two. In fact, sometimes, I look forward to this so much, I don't like it when others clean up before they leave.

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