Sunday, November 13


I am exhausted from last night. He lifted me up and carried me, but I am exhausted nonetheless.

Today, I am sluggish again. Today, I desperately and vainly seek Him again.

I am thankful for responsibilities, that He puts on my plate things that must be done, people who must be cared for, an entire community to reach out to. I am thankful for these, because it causes me to look outside myself, and to be used for a greater purpose than my own.

But I am still weary and heartbroken and mourning. I am still downtrodden and slow and heavy. I am still riddled with holes that need so desperately to be filled by His very flesh and blood.

The day and night loom ahead of me and I dread how I will function ... or not. I dread what is to come. How I need grace to cover me today, not for my own sake, but for the sake of the one I love, the team, NHF, my friends, the children.

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