Sunday, April 2

REAL . . .

I rarely lose sight of the fact that God is real, that He is powerful, amazing, creative, loving, almighty, and huge. Among other things. I could go on and on. Even in my darkest and lowest moments, there is always the little voice echoing in the back of my skull and from the corners of my heart, "I'm real! Don't forget, I'm right here and I'm real!"

But I am never more aware of Him than when I am outside and it is simply G O R G E O U S.

Four days in a row now, I've had opportunity to explore the grounds of the Rockefeller State Park Preserve and the Stone Barns Center. (I'm only mildly annoyed that after four days and a total of 8-9 hours of walking and running, there are still acres of the property I have not yet seen.)

My simple and stuttery words are insufficient to describe the feelings, sights and sounds. How do I draw for you the vision of sunlight streaming through just-budding trees, or the ripples coasting across the surface of Swan Lake, or the distant view of the Hudson River waaaaaay over the ridge, or the leaning of new branches in a hard morning breeze? How do I echo for you the sound of woodpeckers knocking away at who-knows-what, or flocks of birds playfully chasing each other at warp speed, or the rustle of squirrels and chipmunks romping through the last of the dry leaves, or the cautious steps of deer peering at the sudden influx of human traffic, or the gentle chewing of the Stone Barns cows? How can I accurately tell you about the tingling in my lungs when I take a deep breath of clean air, or the spring in my step when I crest a steep hill, or the warmth in my heart when I exchange "hello's" and "good morning's" with fellow perambulators, or the power in my body when I arrive back at my car and take several moments to stretch my burning muscles while facing a bright spring sun?

It's like BAM! I just landed in God's living room and He's pouring me a glass of Vitamin Water and inviting me to stay as long as I like, but please just don't litter.

They say it's going to be cloudy and chilly this week. I almost welcome that, welcome the break from all this beauty. I don't want to be spoiled by it; I want it to be new and amazing each time I go out there. But I think I will miss it very much.

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