Thursday, May 18


How interesting that among my recent posts, the last one about my intra-nasal pimple has garnered the most comments! (This tells you so much about my friends and I, doesn't it? Oh, you should hear our dinner conversation ...)

Well, because I thought it was news that's fit to print, here's an update: the pimple popped while I was in the middle of a sneeze-n-nose-blowing extravaganza (in the middle of a small and crowded cafe, naturally). It dried up over the course of the afternoon, and when I got home and before I went to bed, I did indeed put Neosporin on it (yes, INSIDE my nostril, and yes, you CAN put Neosporin in there too!), and this morning, all is well with my nose.

So la! I am once again living proof that Neosporin cures all things. I really wish I could eat it ...

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