I am sick and tired of, and disgusted by, bullies. People who think they are right, no matter what unfocused blather comes out of their mouths. People who refuse to hear truth, or even a differing opinion! People who lose focus and just go with it, not caring that others wish for focus and a meaningful discussion. People who are insensitive to others, blind to themselves. People who talk just to hear themselves talk. People who lecture not with wisdom, but with condescension. People who get to speak just because they're louder and more insistent, without regard to whether they are correct or not. People who just bully the conversation and stomp on those who wish to speak something else. Worst of all, people who profess to wish to make it all about God, but always, ALWAYS, end up making it about themselves.
I am sick of them. I am sick of having to tolerate their blindness and insensitivity and uncaring hearts. I am sick of having to coddle their egos and indulge their self-absorbed perspectives. I am sick of being trampled on because I'm right, for once, and I am sick of watching others be trampled over because they aren't loud enough, insistent enough, argumentative enough, egotistical enough, to keep on speaking what they know is right and true. I am sick of the unjustified and thoughtless attacks. I am sick of the majority-rules conversation because half the time, the majority is wrong, and it's just a bunch of people complaining together because they finally have an outlet.
A time comes when folks, we all, just need to suck it up and take some admonishment. When we're wrong, we're wrong. When we've lost focus, we've lost focus. Accept it, deal with it, embrace it, then let go of the wrongness and let some truth come in, for Christ's sake. We are not so great and so wise that everything we say actually has merit. Not everything that someone says in disagreement, or even in an effort to focus back to what should be the main focus, is an attack. And just because someone disagrees doesn't mean they are wrong. Sometimes -- gasp! -- the one being disagreed with is wrong. And don't go getting all defensive. The reason folks get defensive is because something triggers inside them that they are wrong. And then ego takes over. Smash your ego. Throw away your defensive posture. If you're going to profess to care, then care and place others above yourself. And stop attacking those around you just because you know you're cornered and in the wrong. You don't always say what is right and true and helpful, and when someone points that out, you should be grown up enough to take it like a man or a woman. And if you can't muster that maturity, then at least open your ears and HEAR. Shut your mouth, and open your ears.
Enough is enough. Me, I'm with the underdog. The quiet one. The one who becomes afraid to speak up because of all those who will jump down her throat for speaking truth. The one who prefaces all of his statements with "I dunno, but ..." or "I'm sorry, but ..." From now on, I'm going to support her speech, and take away the sorrow for speaking one's mind. I root for the underdog, and even if no one else cares, I'm going to care and TAKE care of those around me.

On a less rage-filled note: some movies, especially those containing penguins, are worth seeing twice. Even with the overly-green and totally disjointed ending. The waddling alone makes it worth it.
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