Saturday, April 16


What are your three worst habits?
1. Picking at my lower lip during times of anxiety, fear, or even boredom.
2. Jumping to negative conclusions waaaay too fast.
3. Expecting too much from others, but simultaneously forgetting all the things I expect of myself.

Name three secrets about yourself.
1. I'm not nearly anything good that people think or assume I am.
2. I want to be a librarian.
3. Talking to strangers on the phone -- ordering food, rebuking telemarketers, making appointments -- scares me.

In the morning, are you a coffee or a tea drinker?
Oh puh-leeze! Coffee.

What's your favorite body part?
The small of my back, because I love being touched there, because it is strong from exercise and yoga, because a little pressure in the right spot makes all my troubles melt away, and because a hand of warmth and affection placed right there from a friend or a love can carry worlds of meaning.

What's your least favorite body part?
My legs, because my knees are always troubling me, my ankles are always turning on a whim, my thighs never quite turn into the steel pillars I'd like them to be, and they never seem to move me at the speed I'd like to be moving. All in God's time, I suppose.

When was the last time you couldn't stop laughing?
A couple of nights ago. It was just so damn funny.

When was the last time you cried?
Last night, hysterically and woefully.

What do you sleep in?
In warm weather: errr ... nuthin.
In cold weather: errr ... everything: flannel top and bottom AND socks.

Are there any life lessons you still need to learn?
Oh please. Too dang many to count.

What do you most fear people saying about you?
"Eh, she didn't do much."

Finish this sentence: "MC Estoppel is ..."
"... curious."

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