I don't think I could live here permanently, but in the last couple of years, my affection for the West Coast has increased dramatically. The prospect of studying AGAIN and suffering through THREE DAYS' worth of the California Bar Exam is probably the only thing at this point that prevents me from seriously considering temporary relocation. But should I ever need to take some time away and try something new, it helps knowing that there's some family out here, including my sister Ha and her crazy nutty family. (Baby is crazy and wild too; she just doesn't know it yet and people think she's just being cute. But I know better. I know she's wild and crazy. She'll fit right in with the rest of us.)
I've already been ragged on TWICE for Internet-ing while on vacation, but in true vacation fashion, I have much down-time. Dr.Y and Brother went to the airport to pick up the rest of the family; Ha is tidying up the upstairs and getting her life in order before the mad party rush begins; Baby is napping. I wish someone would put
me down for a nap every three hours -- that would be so heavenly. But I digress. I have a few minutes, so I'll share the following, courtesy of my little Cheechster:
Section One - You
1. last place you traveled: Uhhhh . . . here, to L.A.
2. eye color: Dark brown.
3. nail color: A healthy pink.
4. height: A meager 5'2" (when I've been lying down in a relaxed pose for a while and my spine has stretched out).
5. zodiac sign: Scorpio, baby! Be afraid, be very afraid.
Section Two - Describe...
1. your heritage: Korean-American, with a little bit of Puerto Rican thrown in for good measure.
2. the shoes you wore today: I'm refreshing barefoot now, but shall wear Bandolino black sandals.
3. your hair: Dried, but probably thrown up in a hopeless ponytail within two hours.
4. your weakness: Potato chips, Killians Red, a good book, my bed.
5. your fears: That I will have lived my life and accomplished nothing to better the lives of those around me.
6. your perfect pizza: Thin cripsy crust, spinach and extra salt.
7. one thing you'd like to achieve: EITHER: the first Korean-American female federal judge; a reknowned author; a successful, honest, respect-worthy businesswoman; a really hip and cool mother of three awesome and well-adjusted kids.
Section Three - What Is...
1. your most overused phrase on im: LOL.
2. your thoughts first waking up: What shall I wear today?
3. your current worry: That I won't find a job for post-clerkship.
4. your plans tomorrow: Help Ha and Dr.Y with the party and eat lots of Korean food!
5. your best physical feature: Expressive (some would say TOO expressive) face.
6. your bedtime: Between 10:30 and 11:30pm. Sad.
Section Four - You Prefer...
1. gore or horror: Horror.
2. eastsiiiide or wessssside: WESSSSSSSSSIDE, forever.
3. money or fame: Fame.
4. planes or trains: Trains. Except for the apparently high derailment rate.
Section Five - Do You...
1. cuss: Only when I think it's absolutely necessary . . . or when I can't control myself.
2. do you think you've been in love: Yes.
3. want to get married: When I'm ready and not loving being single and FREE!!!!
4. type w/ your fingers on the right keys: For the most part, but my pinkies are woefully underused.
5. like talking on the phone: Not at all.
6. like thunderstorms: Always.
Section Six - Favorites
1. kind of fruit: Watermelon and oranges.
2. music to fall asleep to: Don't laugh but it's gotta be Fiona Apple's first CD . . . Miles Davis Love Songs is a close second.
3. time of the day: Early morning when I'm away from home on vacation or retreat -- no one else is awake and everything is new, silent and peaceful. I get to putz around looking for breakfast scraps or coffee grounds and put it on for everyone else. I can explore my surroundings, spend time with God, plan my day, have conversations in my head. I'm in the shower first and don't have to rush to get anywhere. And I can watch my friends and family wake up and join me in starting our day.
4. feature in the opposite sex: Arms, shoulders & hands.
5. thing to say when you're mad: Well, it's not very nice and it's very uncouth. And it makes me sound very uneducated.
Section Seven - Future
1. age you hope to be married: By 31 or when I'm ready, whichever comes first.
2. numbers & names of children: 2 or 3 kids and I'm not telling you their names because you will steal them (but of COURSE I have them picked out already!).
3. how do you want to die: Gracefully, in bed, with my family in the house having a good time eating and celebrating the hopefully worthwhile life I lived.
4. what country would you most like to visit: North Korea.
Section Eight - Opposite Sex
1. best personality trait: Well-rounded and diverse intelligence, curiosity and wit.
2. best height: Between 5'7" and 5'9". Tall is nice, but I want to be able to fit in his neck nook.
3. best weight: I dunno. Do I care? Just be healthy and have nice arms, shoulders and hands. Hee hee.
4. best articles of clothing: T-shirt and jeans.
5. best first date location: No place pretentious -- we can eat at nice places anytime, but how often can you go to the zoo and laugh at the bare-butt monkeys; or walk aimlessly around Manhattan ogling things in windows and people-watching; or hike in Maine. Someplace active and conversation-inducing, but you can still hold hands.
6. best first kiss location: The zoo. I don't know what my fascination is with the zoo, though. Weird.
Section Nine - Finish
1. i eat: Almost anything that tastes good. (N.B.: slimy shellfish, congealed cow blood soup, the little black Korean beans, frogs' legs, chicken feet and caviar do not taste good.)
2. i think: All the time and only half the time coherently.
3. i am: Me, all me, baby!
4. i loathe: People who are not nice or are completely inconsiderate of those less fortunate. And rapists.
5. i adore: My family, my friends, food, books, and my bed.
6. i suck at: Sports involving balls that I have to catch, kick, throw, maneuver, or hit back.
7. i can: Do anything I want with a little -- or a lot -- of practice.
8. i can't wait: To have a home and a family of my own.
9. i miss: The good days of high school, the better days of college, the sleepless nights of law school. I don't know why; I just do.
And that's all she wrote. Gotta shower. The family's due in any minute now and I want to be the clean, presentable Auntie . . .
Service Notice: still working on the comments server. I'm just gonna have to undo the one I have now and put someone else in. Hassle, hassle...